Saturday, December 24, 2011

Soldering Vent Part 2

Now that I'm back from college, I finally got time to finish my soldering vent. I started where I left off, which was wiring the whole thing up. I also had to glue the front on, so once I had everything going to the switch box, I glued, clamped, and while that dried, I finished wiring it up. It was all fairly simple, I just had to follow the directions. Once everything was wired up, I fastened the switch and box in place. I may have just done something wrong, but the holes for the switch didn't line with the holes in the switch box, so I just decided to use a 3/4" screw. It isn't the best I could have done, but it worked.

After that, I decided it was time to test it. I wasn't completely confident of my wiring job, so I put it in the middle of my driveway just to make sure. Well, nothing bad happened, and it worked, so I finished it up. This didn't require a whole lot, all I had to do was put the cover plate for the switch and vent on. For kicks, I also decided to add a handle to the top. This was one we just had laying around, but if I was to make this again, I would probably have taken the time to go to a hardware store, and tried to find something that I could have wrapped the power cord around.

 The finished product. I think it turned out quite well.

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